• IMPORTANT: This short video tutorial shows how to easily and securely upload your Intake Sheet. Click <HERE> to watch.

  • Notice that this site has a lock in the address bar, meaning it is a secure and encrypted site. Nobody, besides your one assigned banking strategist, can access your Intake Sheet Information.

  • Remember, we do not need sensitive information from you on your Intake Sheet anyway. (No account numbers, social security number. Don't care about your credit score, etc.)

  • IMPORTANT Tips - Click <HERE> for common questions/tips for completing your Intake Sheet

Congratulations! You have attended a Client Education Webinar to a conclusion. Your next step is to complete an Intake Sheet, accessible by the button below. If you need more than one worksheet that is fine, just be sure to upload both, before hitting the black submit button.

Very Important: Click <HERE> for common questions/tips for completing your Intake Sheet

Freedom Factory Team, LLC